Equivalent Measurements For Meat & Dairy
This chart lists equivalent measurements for meat and dairy products… bacon, beef, chicken, ham, cheese, and yogurt.
A blog about finding balance in your life, connecting with who you are, and creating a lifestyle where you wake up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead.
This chart lists equivalent measurements for meat and dairy products… bacon, beef, chicken, ham, cheese, and yogurt.
This chart lists equivalent measurements for bread (crumbs, croutons, and cubes), eggs, all-purpose and whole wheat flour, macaroni, noodles, popcorn, vanilla beans, wheat berries, and yeast.
We have two apple trees nearby that are literally loaded with apples this year. Last night I made a pie to see if these apples are ready for picking, and they are…
I have read there are three ways to separate an egg… that the first way is to use a commercial egg separator… the second way is to crack the egg and pour the egg yolk back and forth between the two shell halves…
Reader question… “My husband and I are both heavy tea drinkers. Many of our teacups and mugs are badly stained and the stains don’t come off no matter how hard I scrub them.”
Just in case you’ve managed to overcome feeling creepy about the bacteria-laden shopping carts, a recent report suggests that people actually have even more bacteria on their hands than scientists previously thought.
Did you know there is more bacteria on a shopping cart than on a public restroom toilet seat? According to several recent health warnings, swabs taken from shopping cart handles and seats have shown saliva, blood, fecal matter, mucus, plus Listeria, Salmonella, Staph, E.
“I used your instructions and made garlic powder over the weekend. It turned out great and it tastes much more garlicky than my jar of store bought. I’m wondering do you make your own Italian seasoning mix and if you do if you would share your recipe.”
I like to have powdered garlic on hand. I still have a large, almost-full bottle of commercial garlic powder that I do not dare to use again because every time I have used it, it has caused me to have a violent soy reaction.
A few years ago one summer while the strawberries were ripe, my mother kept having less than happy experiences with the biscuits she made for strawberry shortcakes.