I THINK Spring Is Finally Here….
I THINK spring is finally here…. The snow is completely gone… EVERYWHERE…
A blog about finding balance in your life, connecting with who you are, and creating a lifestyle where you wake up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead.
I THINK spring is finally here…. The snow is completely gone… EVERYWHERE…
The concepts of living in the moment and appreciating the uniqueness of now can sound too weirdly complicated to be a good fit in our aggressively busy world.
I think contentment is almost a default characteristic. Think about how babies and small children are happy with very simple pleasures… they almost have to be taught over a period of years to want something bigger, better, “more fun.”
It was a most frustrating day. A really bad thunderstorm that started just after dawn and the resulting power outage got the day off to a rather unfortunate start.
When you are faced with an important decision, it’s always a good idea to gather information about the possible options and to use that information to evaluate the possible consequences.
Reader question… “A friend told me that I should always purge an item if I buy something similar, even if the item to be purged is still in good condition or if I am still using or wearing it…”
The centerpiece of my kitchen is our wood-burning cook stove. It’s a big stove, standing over five feet high and almost three and a half feet wide. It has an oven, a warming oven, a solid copper water reservoir with a tap, and a large cook top surface with six lids.
We was digging under yet another enormous tree stump and cutting roots. I was pulling out roots as we cut them, but one smallish root seemed to be unusually heavy and I was finding it very difficult to pull.
The dictionary defines procrastinating as “postponing doing something, especially as a regular practice.”
Every morning I wake up with the feeling that I am being watched, and I open my eyes to see the youngest of our little five-pound dogs sitting motionless in front of me, staring at my face. If I don’t smile, she doesn’t change her position, but the minute I smile…