Browsing category: Simply Personal
The Apple Trees in Our Meadow… Heirloom or Wild?
There are apple trees in our meadow… fourteen large trees spaced out in a long uneven row that runs almost the entire length of the meadow. There were apple trees here when we bought this land, and I can remember picking apples from these trees when I was a child…
Where Did the Summer Months Go?
We’ve been busy. We spent several weeks cleaning up the incredible mess that the road crew left after their unwelcome tree-cutting and trimming rampage early this spring.
Sloshing Our Way Through Summer
We find ourselves with an unexpected problem this year.
Yes, We Do Know It’s There
If you’d been driving past our house at the right time last night, you could have almost reached out your car window and shaken hands… with the bear that was trampling down the tall stand of day lilies and ferns at the edge of the road.
Want To Talk Bird About It?
I have a special interest in smart bird stories like the one recently where a small Quaker parrot warned a babysitter that her two-year-old charge was choking.
Lost On The Schoolbus
For some reason the school decided that day to change the afternoon kindergarten bus route without telling the parents first.
What Do YOU See?
As we approached our wooded area on Saturday morning during our daily walk, my eye was caught by something lying on the ground.
A Downside to Our Rural Life
It has been a frustrating morning. It rained here all night, and today our telephone connection is so crackly it almost drowns out the usual loud background hum on the line. For the last several years, we’ve been trapped in a direct cause-and-effect situation…
Except For Those Two Times When We Dug Up Something Else…
I am fairly certain that we have never dug a hole of any size here on this property without encountering at least one boulder-sized rock. It’s a given… we dig a hole, we dig up rocks. Except for those two times when we dug up something else…
The Joys of Rural Mail Delivery
A few days ago our mail carrier actually lost a Priority Mail package we were expecting. We had been tracking the package each day because it contained repair parts we needed desperately for one of our computers…