Growing Heucheras From Seed
Growing heucheras from seeds you harvest yourself can be a very interesting project because most of the resulting seedlings will look very different from the parent plants.
A blog about finding balance in your life, connecting with who you are, and creating a lifestyle where you wake up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead.
Growing heucheras from seeds you harvest yourself can be a very interesting project because most of the resulting seedlings will look very different from the parent plants.
There are two types of flowering almond. The dwarf variety, Prunus glandulosa, grows to about five feet tall and has white or pink flowers that appear in mid-spring.
It began with finding a total of eleven rather small and somewhat spongy potatoes in a large bag of just purchased russets. Each was showing an impressive number of eyes and tiny sprouts. It was already July…
Bee balm (Monarda didyma), commonly called bergamot, is also known by the names oswego tea and horsemint.
Heuchera (Coral Bells) is a wonderful foliage plant that grows about eighteen inches tall. The flowers are tiny and very delicate and grow on tall spikes.
The Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale) is an old-fashioned perennial that flourishes in a sunny location. The foliage is medium green, hairy, and fern-like, and the brilliant scarlet orange flowers really stand out.
The orange day lily (Hemerocallis fulva) is an old-fashioned perennial that isn’t sold much any more. It is very long-lived… often a few clumps of these lilies are all that remain to show where an old house used to be.
Common foxglove flowers form on tall spikes and are shaped like fingers cut off a glove, which explains their scientific name Digitalis, meaning “finger-like.”
Feverfew, or Chrysanthemum Parthenium, is a biennial or perennial herb that is native to parts of Europe and Asia. It requires very little care and will thrive in ordinary garden soil in full sun to partial shade.
The majority of the flowers blooming in my gardens right now are various shades of pink and white. The feverfew and the delphiniums are just starting to bloom, as are the foxgloves and the roses.