Browsing category: Antiques & Simple Treasures
My White Ironstone China Pitcher — J.&G. Meakin
This pitcher and I have a history. The first time I saw it was after an elderly aunt asked me to feed the cats and dog, gather the eggs, and take care of the chickens while she was recuperating from a broken hip.
Hazel Atlas Ovide Platonite Dinnerware
I think one of the reasons I have such a passion for vintage or antique dishes is the enjoyment I get from finding out all I can about them. Recently I’ve been searching for information about this very colorful vintage dinnerware set.
Blue and White Soap Dish — Greenwood China Company
Reader question… “I am writing to ask about the small oval dish in the photo in your post about drying seeds.”
There’s a Pig in Our Garden
A few years ago we met up at the local post office with a distant neighbor who commented on how huge our pig was getting.
Two Little Teapots, One Is Fiestaware, One Is… Not
It was easy to find information about one of these turquoise teapots because it is Fiestaware. This particular teapot was called a “large teapot,” identified by the perfectly round shape of the handle and the fluted knob on the lid.
English Breakfast Marmalade Jar Kix Cereal Promotions — Hazel Atlas Jam Jars
I’m always interested in the history behind an item, and over the past couple of years I’ve been collecting information about Hazel Atlas jam jars.
Vintage Hazel Atlas Jam Jars — Strawberry, Pineapple & Apple
Hazel Atlas jam jars were part of a promotion used to advertise the new Kix cereal in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. I have found magazine and newspaper ads… also radio commercials…
My Blanchard Butter Mold
This butter mold was made by a New Hampshire company called Blanchard and Sons. It is made of white birch and is actually three separate pieces. Two of the four sides of the mold are permanently held together with dovetail joints to make an “L” shape…
An Unintentional Collection
Sometimes the best collections are unintentional ones, I think… a collection that just naturally happens… and then grows.
Antique Stoneware Rolling Pin, Blue Wildflower Design
This is my favorite rolling pin. It is old and is made of stoneware, with a blue wildflower design. This particular rolling pin was made around 1880 by the Fulper Brothers Pottery Company in Flemington, New Jersey.