Browsing category: How To’s & General Information
How Many Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Should Your Family Eat?
I was opening a bag of frozen organic broccoli last night when I noticed that the serving size listed on the bag was four florets… and that the two-pound bag supposedly contained twelve servings. This fits in with the new dietary guidelines recently released by the U.S.
An Amazing Natural Wood Stove Cleaner and Polisher
A few weeks ago we spent the better part of one day taking the stove pipes apart and cleaning them.
My Winter Herb Garden
All I can see from my kitchen windows is snow, snow, and more snow. The winters are very long here, and spring is still several months away…
How To Save Tomato Seeds For Planting Another Year
Saving tomato seed is a little more complicated than the usual “dry and store” process for seed saving. Each tomato seed is encased in a gelatinous capsule that actually prevents the seeds from sprouting, and that capsule must be removed before the seeds will germinate.
How To Season Cast Iron Cookware
Reader question… “Last month I inherited a cast iron skillet from a great-aunt. My problem is, I don’t know what to do with it.”
Germination & Growing Information for Vegetables
I’ve been sorting through the various seed packets we bought for this spring… also the seed packets from previous years that we keep in the freezer… and trying to plan when I needed to plant what.
Shining Stainless Steel with Flour !?!
Reader question… “I enjoy the hints you have shared in your blog and I have been pleased to find that all your hints work so well. Recently I saw somewhere about using flour to shine up stainless steel. I am wondering if you have tried this and what your thoughts are.”
A Recipe for a Natural Cough Syrup
I searched out my recipe for cough syrup this morning and made sure I have all the necessary ingredients if I need to make a batch.
Jewelweed for Poison Ivy — Does It Work?
I just read an article that ridicules the claim that jewelweed is effective against the intense itching of poison ivy. Supposedly research has proven that jewelweed has no anti-itch properties at all. Maybe so…
My One Piece Long-Handled Spoons
I didn’t realize there was such a difference between one piece long-handled spoons and the welded kind until I was given a very old and very large one piece metal spoon.