Hosta ‘Shade Fanfare’ has light to medium green leaves, with wide margins that start out as yellow in the spring and change to creamy white. The tips of the leaves curve downward, are slightly wavy, and have good substance. Shade Fanfare hostas have very tall scapes, funnel-shaped light lavender flowers, and produce lots of seed pods.

Hosta Shade Fanfare mature plant
Hosta ‘Shade Fanfare’ mature plant

This hosta has a subtle beauty that I find so appealing I have positioned all my Shade Fanfare hostas near windows so I can also enjoy them from inside the house as well.

Hosta Shade Fanfare leaves... green centers, creamy margins
Hosta ‘Shade Fanfare’ leaves… green centers, creamy margins

Hosta ‘Shade Fanfare’ Profile:
8 7/8 inches long
6 3/8 inches wide
light/medium green centers
yellow/creamy white margins
10 to 12 vein pairs

pale lavender
bloom early to late July
24 to 36-inch high scapes

Mound Size
53 inches in diameter
20 to 24 inches high

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Madge C

I agree – this is one lovely hosta. I bought one in a 6in. pot last year at one of the ‘box stores’ and it has grown like crazy this year. It is healthy too despite what a lot of the forum’s say about buying hostas at the ‘box stores’. Just thought I’d put that in. Anyhoo – I do like this hosta. It is my favourite even though I have 10 other types.


I wanted to tell you just how much I appreciate your lovely photos and the information you provide for your posts. I have searched for pictures of different hostas and I am thrilled to find yours. They are the very best. My thanks!


Because of your posts I have saved seeds from several hostas this year and I have nice plump black seeds from this one. I’m hoping to have some baby hostas before spring. I appreciate your clear instructions on how to start the seeds. I’ll let you know how things turn out.


Just happened onto your lovely blog while Googling for my newest hosta, Shade Fanfare. I’m happy to learn this is a prolific seeder so I can have lots of babies next year! I love the color-changing hostas, they do fascinate me!