Until last night we had less than six inches of snow on the ground. There had been only two or three smallish snowstorms so far this winter, and some of the snow from the previous storms had melted last week when the temperatures were in the 40’s. This new snowstorm was supposed to start around 8 p.m. last night. We would, the weather forecasters predicted, end up with a total snowfall of possibly close to twelve inches by the time the snow stopped late tonight.

We woke up this morning to a world of white. The snow was coming down thick and fast and it was difficult to see anything through the falling snow. Opening the back door took a while because the new snow that had fallen on our porch overnight was more than twenty-six inches deep. Obviously the weather forecasters had greatly underestimated the severity of this storm in our area.

It is still snowing heavily, there is a strong wind, and the temperatures are dropping. Our severe winter storm has turned into a blizzard. The forecasters warn that winds this afternoon will be in excess of thirty-five miles per hour. Wind chill temperatures are expected to be at least twenty-five degrees below zero.

The snow that was shoveled today will have to be shoveled away again tomorrow because the wind is blowing so hard and the snow is drifting. Just a few minutes ago the weather service extended the wind chill and hypothermia warnings through noon tomorrow… and it has just snowed another two inches in less than the last thirty minutes.

Don’t you wish you were here?