Hosta ‘June’ is a gold-centered tissue-cultured sport of Halcyon. This is another hosta that normally shows a color change, with the gold color getting lighter as summer progresses. There are two forms of this hosta that are being sold, with one having a much lighter-colored leaf center than the other, and there is some debate about which type is the “correct” June. June forms a dense mound of foliage and has thick leaves that get broader as the hosta ages. The leaves are smooth with little corrugation.
A mature June forms many seed pods. Mine is still a very young plant and last year it produced only one seed pod and only one viable seed. However, that one hosta seed resulted in a very miniature and thriving seedling that is the exact color of the center gold in my June’s leaves. June was 2001 Hosta of the Year.
6 inches long
4 inches wide
1/8 to 3/4-inch wide
blue-green margin
11 to 12 vein pairs
late July to mid-August
pale blueish lavender
24 inches high
Mound size:
37 inches in diameter
16 inches high