Digging Eight Quarts of Dandelions
Every afternoon for the last four days we’ve taken an eight-quart kettle and two knives and gone out to our meadow to “dig dandelions.”
A blog about finding balance in your life, connecting with who you are, and creating a lifestyle where you wake up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead.
Every afternoon for the last four days we’ve taken an eight-quart kettle and two knives and gone out to our meadow to “dig dandelions.”
On this day last year, all the snow was long gone and mud season was over. Hosta and bleeding heart shoots were two or three inches tall. There were frogs’ eggs in the ponds and the grass was already green. It was a very early spring. Things are very different this year.
The weather people were predicting twelve to fourteen inches of snow, but here Sunday started with above freezing temperatures and a hard steady rain.
We have had a LOT of big snowstorms this winter, and sometimes it has snowed continuously for several days… leaving us with a tremendous amount of snow.
Until last night we had less than six inches of snow on the ground. There had been only two or three smallish snowstorms so far this winter, and some of the snow from the previous storms had melted last week when the temperatures were in the 40’s.
Yesterday she arrived with her granddaughter and a younger boy I am guessing is her grandson. They each had empty baskets as they got out of the car, and all three baskets were full to overflowing with mushrooms when they came back out of the woods.
The salesperson took my order but the computer wouldn’t let him enter it into the store’s ordering system. It took a while, but I eventually found out that this stove was not in stock in the store or in the regional warehouse and apparently never had been.
We need a new stove. Something has gone horribly wrong with the electronic part of the stove we have now and several of the automatic safety features have gone wild.
Apparently my expectations WERE too high. I wanted a telephone that would “work” even when the weather was damp and on days when it rains or snows.
When I woke up very suddenly this morning… with the distinct feeling that something had woken me up… the room was lighting up at intervals from lights that were moving around just outside our house.