This is our brown Nigerian dwarf goat. It’s very difficult to get pictures of her because she always wants to come too close to the person holding the camera. She is a “people goat,” you see, and very affectionate. She thinks she is a lap dog.

She’s almost twelve years old now and is just recently starting to look her age, with a few white hairs on her face and mostly behind her ears, but she’s still as playful and inquisitive as ever. And she can be just as destructive as ever, too… if she gets the urge to break through something or chew through something. Thankfully that doesn’t happen very often.

We’ve been getting the “barn” ready for cooler weather… fresh shavings and stocking up on hay… and it was time to trim the goat’s hooves again, so we did that yesterday too.

Our hoof trimming technique requires two people… one person to sit in the chair and hold the goat as she lounges comfortably across his lap… and another person to trim the hooves. The goat passes the time by slowly rubbing her head against the nearest human arm… or by taking a short nap.

For one of us at least, hoof trimming is a totally relaxing experience.

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That second picture tells the story. You can see how she is responding to you with the camera and is calling to you as she starts to move towards you. I really love this blog and I have learned so much. Keep up the good work.


We have 2 dwarf nigerian goats although both are black with white markings and they are terrible when it is time to do their hoofs. We have to have someone come in to do them and he brings another man along to help hold the goat still. I can’t imagine a goat so gentle she will calmly sit while her hoofs are being trimmed. Great post and I love those photos.


This is too funny! I can just picture that goat sprawled on someone’s lap lounging luxuriously while she’s getting a pedicure!

Bob B.

Will you come to my house and teach my goats to act like your one?


I was wondering if you ever have any problems because your goat has horns. We are looking to buy three goats and most of the goats we see have had their horns removed. One woman has goats that have horns but we’ve been told that we should be sure to only get goats without horns. The problem is we like the looks of the goats with their horns but I’m worried about them hurting us with those horns. Does your goat use her horns against you?

Shirley (Choosing Voluntary Simplicity)

All the goats we’ve ever had have had horns… mostly because the woman we buy them from doesn’t believe in dehorning her goats. We have been fortunate that all of our goats have been gentle and the horns have never presented a problem… but goats are very strong and I can see how horns in a less gentle goat could be a serious concern.