Reader question… “I’ve been admiring your lovely afghans, cross-stitching and baskets. You mentioned sewing in your About This Blog and About Me page and I wondered if you also make quilts. I sew but have never done any quilting and I have become almost obsessed with the idea of making a quilt. I’m looking for an easy beginner’s quilt pattern. Any recommendation?” –Priscilla Y.
How about a Trip Around the World quilt? Here are two quilts I made some years back, and I found that pattern quite easy to do. I was concerned that the squares might not line up when it came time to sew them together, but I was careful to keep all the measurements accurate and do a consistent quarter-inch seam, and matching the seams wasn’t a problem. I used the easiest and quickest method… worked with strips, cut all the squares with a rotary cutter, and did all the sewing with my sewing machine.

I used six different small prints in each quilt, some dark and some light, and repeated three of the prints in the three border strips for each quilt. Each quilt fits a double bed and is tied, not quilted.

Priscilla, thank you. I have made a few quilts, but I am definitely not an experienced quilter… sewing is not a natural talent for me. :o)
And especially sewing anything by hand!
Priscilla Y.
Awesome that you answered my question with a post and these beautiful photos of your quilts. I love this design. This is exactly the type of quilt I was looking for, something I can sew on the machine and that isn’t too difficult. Thank you so much.
Do you think you will ever post directions for this quilt? I mean, how to cut the strips and squares and dimensions? That kind of thing? I think these quilts are beautiful but I really have no idea how to proceed. I would appreciate any help you can give with how to make these.
Just beautiful. I love these. Just wondering – do you ever sell your work? I would love to buy one of these quilts.
Shirley (Choosing Voluntary Simplicity)
Wendi, check your email. I have just sent you the directions and instructions. If you have any further questions, I would be glad to try to help.
Dietrich, thank you. No, I have not sold any of my quilts, but thanks for the kind words.